Sunday, September 8, 2013 ok but..careful

Amalan ini memang sudah terkenal di kebanyakan negara asia malah pengamal di negara barat juga mula menunjukkan minat.

Hukumnya sila baca lebih lanjut di laman ini.

Saya ingin menasihatkan pembaca yang berminat untuk menjalani terapi ini..

1. Pastikan pengamal tahu cara mensterilkan atau membersihkan alat alat yang dipakai semula...AWAS virus HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C boleh merebak melalui medium yang tercemar dengan darah....ramai orang yang sakit pergi berbekam kan? so...kita tidak tahu pelanggan sebelum kita yang menggunakan alat bekam mungkin ada penyakit bawaan darah yang berbahaya. At least please make sure there is UV sterilizer being used.

2. Pastikan anda tidak mengalami penyakit kurang darah ( anemia ) kerana prosedur ini boleh menerukkan masalah anemia anda.

3. Pastikan anda tidak memakan ubat mencairkan darah seperti warfarin, takut tak berhenti pendarahan nanti...

dont worry, usually responsible practitioner will screen you of dangerous medical condition first before the procedure BUT ...for the STERILIZATION issue, u have to put some effort to ask for details ...It is a MUST...kalau tak remember penyakit seperti HIV, Hepatitis mudah merebak

Ha ha...sejujurnya saya mengaku tak pernah berbekam kerana
saya berpendapat...lebih baik saya pergi menderma darah....

Doing a blood donation in a safe and clean environment with available medical team around is just perfect....

Yes, u will have the same benefit of bekam...'by letting go of your blood out from your body' and in addition, for other people benefits too.

Jadi sekiranya saya mahu membuang sebahagian daripada darah saya dari badan melalui prosedur yang selamat dan bersih, juga untuk membantu orang lain yang perlukan darah....saya akan pergi menjalani program DERMA DARAH (BLOOD DONATION)

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Roti Canai Review

One day one obese client  asked me…"how is roti canai doctor...i eat them almost every morning...i love them so much…I was told that roti canai is not fattening"...yes I initially agreed
..but after looking at her weight... of 3 figures....i have many doubts...:)

I reviewed 8 nutritional calculation from the web and I averaged the calories in a SINGLE roti is 274 calories...ok...the fat content from ghee butter or margarine, cooking oil, and the dhal curry dipping may raise the calorie further ...say up to 350 calories...yes dear... u don’t normally eat 1 single piece of roti least 2 pieces right? that is over 500 calories per sitting ...what about your high calorie drinks to add on..

I always think taking roti canai is better than nasi lemak for breakfast …. I am wrong.....Nasi lemak which has as high as 600 calories together with roti canai have both been featured in Biggest Loser Asia site of
5 local foods you must not eat
How to survive the 5 worst calorie bombs in Malaysia

So what is your healthier alternatives?

* i started a page for Klinik Cahaya & Pusat Dialisis Cahaya in Facebook...please help Like the page